Do you ever feel like there's a gap between the type of educator you aspire to be and the realities of the current educational system?

Let's make some MAGIC!

Waco, Texas

July 12-13, 2024


The Genius Hour Academy









2024 Genius Hour Academy

Are you ready to recharge your soul and supercharge your podcasting business? 

Let's make some MAGIC

Waco, Texas

JUlY 12-13, 2024


Renew Your Perspective

Rediscover Your


Reimagine Your Purpose

Join me for an enlightening journey where we will explore the transformative world of Genius Hour together! Over two enriching days, you'll gain invaluable insights and practical strategies to revolutionize your teaching approach.

Experience a paradigm shift as you explore new perspectives that will invigorate your classroom. Discover how to make learning purposeful, engaging, and deeply personal for your students.

Through hands-on activities, collaborative discussions, and expert guidance, you'll learn how to cultivate a culture of curiosity and passion within your classroom. Rediscover the joy of teaching as you witness your students' excitement and empowerment in pursuing their own interests and projects.

Don't miss this unique opportunity to reignite your passion for teaching and inspire lifelong learners. Join us and embark on a journey to transform education one Genius Hour at a time!

Educators will leave this learning experience with:

  • Practical ideas and strategies that can be implemented immediately to make Genius Hour manageable and meaningful.
  • Tools and resources that can be utilized to make Genius Hour an opportunity to practice life-ready skills, make connections, and learn by doing.
  • A deep understanding of passion-based learning and the impact that it has on the classroom environment and the learning experience.

Why should you attend? It's a good question...

I am so excited to introduce the inaugural Genius Hour Academy, a groundbreaking professional development experience unlike any other. At the academy, we're pioneering a new approach that revolves around three core principles: passion, purpose, and perspective. Here's why this PD is a game-changer:

  1. Passion-Infused Learning: Dive deep into the heart of teaching by rediscovering your passion for education. Through personalized exploration and hands-on activities, you'll unearth innovative strategies to infuse your classroom with excitement and authenticity, reigniting your love for teaching and learning.

  2. Purposeful Connections: Break free from the isolation of traditional PD and connect with a community of like-minded educators who are as passionate about change as you are. Through collaborative discussions and shared experiences, gain fresh insights and forge meaningful connections that will fuel your journey toward educational excellence.

  3. Perspective Expansion: Open your mind to new possibilities and challenge the status quo. The Genius Hour Academy will encourage you to think outside the box, embrace diverse viewpoints, and adopt a fresh perspective that will empower you to unleash the full potential of yourself and your students.

Be a part of history in the making at our inaugural Genius Hour Academy, where passion, purpose, and perspective converge to redefine the future of professional development. Don't miss this opportunity to be a trailblazer in education – join me in Waco, Texas this summer for an unforgettable experience!


Itinerary Details

Below is what you can expect from the two-day learning experience...




8:30 - 9:00 am Check-In

9:00 - 11:30 am Learning Experience

11:30 am -1:00 pm LUNCH

1:00 - 4:00 pm Learning Experience





8:30 - 9:00 am Check-In

9:00 - 11:30 am Learning Experience

11:30 am -1:00 pm OPTIONAL LUNCH WITH ANDI

1:00 - 3:30 pm Learning Experience

3:30 - 4:00 pm Reflection/Q&A


On both days:

*Morning and afternoon breaks will be provided.

**Reflection and Q&A opportunities will be woven throughout the experience.

Frequently Asked Questions

What's included

  • 2-days of professional learning
  • Genius Hour: Passion Projects that Ignite Innovation and Student Inquiry (the book)
  • Genius Hour Skills Enhancement Suite
  • Genius Hour Student Learning Guides
  • Light breakfast and snacks throughout the day

NOT included

  • Your round-trip flights
  • Transportation to and from the hotel 
  • Lunch and dinner
  • Hotel accomodations
  • Optional collaboration opoprtunities

What's My Investment?

What is it costing you to not invest in this Academy? Have you ever felt constrained by curriculum requirements, and wondered how you could incorporate your own passions into your teaching practice? Do you find yourself craving more autonomy and creativity in your teaching, and wonder if passion-based learning could provide that freedom? This is an opportunity to find out if passion-based learning has the potential to change what learning looks like in your classroom. I'd love to learn with you and hope to see you there!

Genius Hour Academy


+ travel and accomodations


It's nice to meet you...

Academy Creator and Adventure Guide

Andi McNair


I'm Andi McNair and I almost left education when I realized that what I was doing in the classroom wasn't meaningful for my learners.

I had to take a risk, do something different, push against the status quo to do what I knew my learners needed...time to make connections, learn by doing, and just explore.

Was it easy? Absolutely not!  Was it worth it?  Absolutely!  And now, I want to share what I've learned along the way with you.  

Since that crucial moment, I've written four books, including Genius Hour: Passion Projects that Ignite Innovation and Student Inquiry, shared with educators all over the world, and launched A Meaningful Mess Podcast.

And now, I'm setting out to change what professional learning looks like.  I can't wait to get to know you as we spend two days exploring, learning, connecting and sharing.  It's going to be an ABSOLUTE BLAST!


Want to chat?

Click the button below and schedule a time to chat with me via Zoom using Calendly.

Can't wait to chat!



Prefer to email?

Fill out the Form or email me directly at: [email protected]