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The DMLE Framework

Mar 19, 2022

 I am so excited to have finally created The Meaningful Mess Design Framework that I've been working on for so long.  I am passionate about helping educators shift from simply writing lesson plans to designing experiences.  In my book, A Meaningful Mess, I introduced the 3Es as important considerations when designing an experience.

Since writing that book, the 3Es have evolved into a comprehensive framework that I believe any educator can use to intentionally design in a way that will be manageable for them and meaningful for their learners.  

Engage - Igniting a willingness to invest has to the first priority in any classroom. The reality is that without a willingness to invest,  learners will not take advantage of the opportunity to learn.

Experience - Considering how you will provide the opportunity to learn is important.  Will your learners learn through application, learn by listening, or another way that makes the most sense for the content that is being presented?  It's important to focus on how they will learn this standard, idea, or concept, rather than how you will teach this standard, idea or concept.

Empower - In order for the learning to stick, learners have to understand how they will use what they've learned beyond the walls of the classroom.  When we make this a priority, we are giving them an opportunity to make important connections and empowering them to utilize what they've learned.  Doing so will give them a reason to remember the content.

Evidence - How will you know if your learners have reached a deep understanding of the content?  What is the evidence that can be shown?  Designing with this in mind will help us, as educators, be intentional about the differentiation that we plan and support that we provide moving forward.

Extension/Encouragement - Learners that deeply understand the content will receive extension while those that need extra support will receive the extra support.  When we plan for this on the front end, we will be more prepared on the back end to differentiate for learners in a way that makes sense.  This will make the learning more manageable for educators and meaningful for our learners.

That's it!  It makes so much sense and prioritizes intentionality.  My hope is that this framework helps you find meaning in your mess.  To learn more, check out my new book, Designing for Depth, that can be pre-ordered now.


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